Policies, Procedures, and Resources
Process Overview
- Any current Penn student, faculty, staff, or post-doctoral trainee with a valid PennKey (a “Reporter”) may consult or file a report with OREI. A reporter may contact OREI by email, phone, walk-in, or by filing a report.
- OREI will typically respond to the Reporter within two University business days of receiving the initial contact, if possible.
- If such initial contact includes sufficient details, OREI will make an initial determination if the matter is under its purview.
- If it is not a matter under OREI’s purview, but is appropriate for review by another office or department, OREI will inform the Reporter and refer the matter (e.g., OEOP or Title IX).
- If it is an OREI matter, in most cases the Reporter will be given the opportunity to participate in an informal consultation (in person or virtually) with a member of OREI before filing a report.
- Any reports and the contents of any consultations or meetings will be maintained in confidence unless information is required to be disclosed under applicable law or Penn policies (i.e., disclosure to others who need access to the information to assist with resolution or further investigation).
- The initial consultation will include a discussion of the alleged conduct and the Reporter’s options to proceed. Next steps may be: (a) mediation or conflict resolution, or (b) request from OREI that the reporter file a report for review.
- In the event that a report is filed, OREI will promptly begin an investigation. The investigation will include the gathering of information and statements from the Reporter, the Respondent, and other relevant parties and witnesses. Information can include documents, video and audio, social media postings, and other material provided in interviews.
- During the course of an investigation, OREI will communicate regularly with the Reporter and Respondent.
- Once information has been collected, OREI will review all applicable policies to determine if sufficient evidence exists to support a finding that one or more policies has likely been violated.
- At various stages of the process, OREI may attempt to engage the parties in mediation (through Restorative Practices @Penn or otherwise) to attempt to reach a mutually agreed resolution.
- If efforts at mediation or conflict resolution are not appropriate or successful, and if sufficient evidence exists to support a finding that a violation has likely occurred (or if there is insufficient evidence to support such a finding but recommendations are nonetheless indicated), OREI will forward its Memorandum of Findings (facts, factors weighing in favor of / against a finding of a policy violation, if any, and recommendations for possible sanctions/discipline) to the appropriate office/school/center at Penn. If appropriate, educational programming will also be provided.
- At the conclusion of an investigation, OREI will create a Closing Letter to be shared with the Reporter and Respondent.