OREI is designed to best address allegations of discrimination, including harassment, based on a person’s actual or perceived: (i) shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics; or (ii) citizenship or residency in a country with a dominant religion or distinct religious identity.  For example, OREI may investigate reports that Penn students have been subjected to ethnic or ancestral slurs; harassed for how they look, dress, or speak in ways linked to ethnicity or ancestry (e.g., religious attire, language spoken); or stereotyped based on perceived shared ancestral or ethnic characteristics.

No.  OREI may conduct an investigation and prepare a recommendation for discipline or sanction, but when required, such matters will be referred to the appropriate office (For staff: The Division of Human Resources; For Faculty: The Office of the Provost; For Students: The Center for Community Standards and Accountability.) The Reporting Party and the impacted party will be apprised of any such referral.

Any current Penn student, faculty, staff, or post-doctoral trainee with a valid PennKey may file a report.

While OREI may receive referrals of anonymous submissions made through P-Comply or the Bias Incident Reporting Form, we will be severely limited in how we can respond, and may not be able to take follow-up actions without communicating with the Reporter. 

Any reports and the contents of any consultations or meetings will be maintained in confidence unless information is required to be disclosed under applicable local, state, or federal laws or Penn policies (i.e., disclosure to others who need access to the information to assist with resolution or further investigation).

Reporting Party should receive a response within two (2) University business days of submitting the report.

Once a report is filed the University will initiate steps to ensure that the report is properly addressed. This may include outreach to the party who experienced the potential harassment or discrimination being reported. It will include providing information on the status of the report and the final outcome. The University may request additional information from the Reporting Party.

Yes.  Such requests, previously handled by the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, will now be handled by the Office of Religious and Ethnic Interests (Title VI). Requests can be submitted by completing this form.