Contact Us
Office of Religious and Ethnic Interests (Title VI)
The Franklin Building, Room 216
3451 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: (215) 746-7869
Use this link to request a consultation: Email us at (PennKey required)
If your report is based on sex/gender, please visit Penn’s Title IX Office.
If your report is based on race, disability, or any characteristics other than your religion, ancestry or national origin, please visit Penn’s Office of Equal Opportunity Programs.
If your report involves an urgent safety risk, please immediately contact Penn Police: (215) 573-3333 or 511 from a campus phone.
Penn Police: (215) 573-3333 or 511 from a campus phone
Counseling: (215) 898-7021 option #1
University Help Line: (215) 898-HELP (898-4357)
The Franklin Building, Room 216
3451 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: (215) 746-7869